Sunday 2 October 2016

Remix Culture

When I first heard of Remix Culture, I wasn't too keen on the idea of it. I never really liked taking works from other people and meshing them together to make my own thing, I always wanted to make it straight from scratch all on my own. But now when I look at it, don't you get your inspiration from other works anyways? Its not too different, and I have had a change of heart about remix culture. Mixing two objects together in Meshmixer and Tinkercad has actually been a lot of fun. Something with a completely different feeling can be created from two things that mean completely different things. And that's why I've started to like the idea of remix culture a little bit more. Through remixing, I've created a mashup of ice cream and an ogre. I like the contrast of the two ideas with these objects. Ice cream is soft and sweet, and an ogre is gross, green and mean. It might not be direct juxtaposition, but I think the idea is there. It makes me laugh because of said contrast, so you know it's good enough for me. I spoke with some classmates and they all thought it already fit well, but it needed more; it was a little plain. So i figured i could throw a little cone hat on em'. I think it makes it A LOT better. Anyway, here are some pictures of the ogre ice cream, and the objects I downloaded from Thingiverse to make it!

And now the pieces used to create whatever Hell this ogre ice cream thing came from:

As you can see, I had to decrease the complexity of the objects quite a bit to actually load them into Tinkercad, I do believe it still gets the point across however.

As you can see from the picture above, Ogre Ice Cream can be downloaded from Thingiverse. Here's the link:
Until next time! Cheers!

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