Sunday 4 December 2016

3D Printed Object

So we finally got the object we wanted printed off! And this is the one we ended up going with!

We both figured that this object was probably the easiest for the printer to print out, however, we did have to make a little change to it. The "cut out" section of the object was a little too compressed for the printer to print out clearly, so we simply removed a few of the little slices taken out of the object. As you can see here from the 3D print itself.

And as you can see it came out looking pretty good!! Very few marks left on it from the 3D printing itself!

Anyway both Olivia and I figured this was the model we wanted to go with because it combined both aspects from a couple of our favorite designs. Hers having a chunk cut out from it, and mine looking somewhat pixelated. We simplified a couple aspects into what I think came out looking quite clean and visually aesthetic. 


Anyway there really wasn't too much grief associated with this print, it was pretty much just fun all the way through! Buuuuuut a lot of that is thanks to out instructor Brian Cera. He did all of our 3D printing for us sooo that helps quite a bit! Well there ya have it! Call it a vase or something, it can actually retain water to a certain level so yeah! Thanks for reading!

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